Regular Activities
Regular Activities
Our activities and regular gatherings are open to all: contact the named person for further details
Pastoral Care
We take seriously the wellbeing of all our parishioners, churchgoers or not.
- We organise regular visits for those who are housebound and for local people in hospitals or residential care
- We have people trained to listen when you’re in distress and who will offer friendship
- We will help you to explore a fresh relationship with God
- We can stand alongside and pray for you as you cope with change in your life
Initial enquiry: contact Canon Colin Gough 01665 581100 or Margaret Weaver 01670 760163
Christian Exploring
Being Christian is something to be worked at all the time and we offer encouragement through participating in groups of people exploring things together:
- Each year we prepare teenagers and adults for Confirmation and children from the age of 7 already regular at worship for ‘Communion before Confirmation’
- We have four groups for adults, meeting in local homes, reading scripture, praying and discussing together:
- The Farriers Rise Group An evening group
- The ‘Pele House’ Group – A monthly morning group
- The Open Door Group – A monthly afternoon group
Contact person: Cynthia Bishop 575705
Groups for young people
Jamie’s Sunday Corner A group for little children, meeting in Church during the 10am Family Communion Service (2nd – 5th Sundays), exploring faith together.
Messy Church A quarterly gathering, often at the Community Hall, where the Christian exploring for children is definately ‘hands-on’, with crafts, songs, and a meal together. Family groups welcome.
Rock Solid (Contagious) A Christian group for those in school years 5 & 6, meeting at St James’ URC, Alnwick. Thursdays in term time 7pm.
Blaze (Contagious) A Christian group for those in school years 7- 11, meeting in ‘Costa’, Bondgate Within, Fridays in term time 7pm.
Contacts: The Contagious Groups Claire Mead 07525 748728
Other groups Cynthia Bishop 575705
Primarily for older members of the community
Afternoon Church comprises a short service in church, with one or two hymns, followed by a cuppa and an opportunity to have a good chat. The idea is that those who find being part of a full length church service difficult could at least spend some time in the building in both worship and fellowship, and catch up with people they haven’t seen in a while. We meet on the third Thursday of the month at 2pm.
If you feel that this is something that might help you, then please do come along, you will be very welcome! And if you need a friend to help you get to church, they would be welcome too. We do now have a wheelchair kept in church if you feel the path is too much for you.
We also welcome support from our regular church worshippers, and other members of the community, who can add to the fellowship.
Just inside Church, there is a book in which we invite you to write requests for prayer, which will be offered as part of the regular worship. You can also approach any of the ministers listed in ‘Scallop Shell’. As a sign of your prayer, feel free to light a candle at the stand near the pulpit.
The Julian Group Several of our church members attend a gathering at Alnmouth Friary at 7.45pm on the 2nd Tuesday of the month (March – November) for half-an-hour of silent prayer. We then stay for the short evening service of Night Prayer with the brothers.
Spirituality Northumberland Opportunities to take your praying further: see www.spiritualitynorthumberland.co.uk
Contact: Canon Colin Gough 581100
Craft Group
Meeting since just after the Second World War, the group gets together on Wednesday mornings to work alongside one another in individual or corporate needlework or quilting projects.
Contact: Lilian Hume 575985
St James’ Singers
This group of men and women meets monthly to rehearse for making a musical contribution on special occasions in church and elsewhere. Being able to read music is a bonus, but not essential.
Contact: Margaret Weaver 01670 760163
Church Governance
Churchwardens and some Parochial Church Councillors are elected each year at the Annual Parochial Meeting in April. The Council meets regularly to order the church’s ministry and mission. It has several sub groups that have devolved responsibility for aspects of this work and most are a mix of PCC members and other church members:
- The Ministers Meeting – including all who hold the Bishop’s licence or Permission to Officiate
- The Open Church Project Group – overseeing the present repair and re-ordering project
- The Communications Group – handling aspects of communications and the editing of ‘Scallop Shell’
- The Ministry Development Group – planning aspects of the Church’s programme of worship and learning
- The Social Events group – planning a variety of gatherings through the year
- The Pastoral Group – considering and implementing our care for parishioners
All of the groups would be glad to hear from volunteers interested in contributing further to the work.
Contact: Cynthia Bishop 575705
Scallop Shell Our parish magazine is published ten times a year and reflects our activities and our work in the parish. Copies are delivered to your door for £6 a year. If you would like to receive it regularly, please contact Colin Gough 581100.